
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Acrylic Painting Lesson - Mistakes To Avoid In Your Acrylic Paintings

When you are just starting out with acrylic painting, you will most certainly make your share of mistakes. This is the natural process of painting and we all learn and grow from our mistakes. This article introduces some of the more common mistakes beginner acrylic painters make.

Mistake #1 to avoid: Not using enough variety in your painting. An interesting painting has variety. It creates curiosity and interest, and the viewer wants to return again to observe it. So how do you create an interesting painting? Use a variety of different brushstrokes, techniques and values in your paintings. Change the direction of your brushstrokes or mix different techniques in the same painting.

Mistake #2 to avoid: Being too technical or copying. In order to truly paint a subject, and when I say "truly", I am not saying you should copy the subject exactly as you see it. I am referring to connecting to the painter inside and truly painting your own impression of what you see. This is how your inner creativity shines on the canvas. It is what set painters like Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet apart from the rest. They each injected their own style and heart into their work. I believe your own unique creativity comes to the surface the moment you stop relying on the technicalities and theories associated with painting. I am not saying one shouldn't study techniques and theory, but at some point we have to put that stuff on the back burner and let our creativity do some of the thinking. Whatever you do, don't copy other artists. There is nothing wrong with allowing other artists to influence you, just make sure you allow your own unique style to come through.

Mistake #3 to avoid: Not observing your subjects. Do you spend time observing the subjects you feel inspired to paint? If you are a portrait artist, have you done any studying of the human anatomy? If you paint landscapes, do you spend enough time outdoors in that environment? If you aren't spending enough time observing the subjects that you wish to paint, then you won't know have enough knowledge to paint them.

Mistake #4: Not using quality art supplies. Are you using quality acrylic painting supplies? A really experienced and talented artist could probably create an entire painting using a toothpick, but who really wants to work that hard? When it comes to fine art supplies, you usually do get what you pay for. If you paint with a 50cent paintbrush, it will probably paint just like a 50cent paintbrush. The ferrule will more than likely become loose and the hairs will probably shed. If you are using really cheap paint, you will more than likely get really cheap results. The colors will not have the same brilliance or the right consistency. So invest in quality art supplies and take great care of them as well.

Mistake #5 to avoid: Not using enough paint. Learn how to apply paint to your canvas. Many beginners don't reload their brushes often enough. I made this same mistake when I first began painting. I would squeeze out a little glob of paint and try to cover as much area as possible. In my case, I was just lazy, but many beginners are fearful of wasting paint. This is a reasonable concern considering the cost of supplies. The truth however, is that your paintings will be more interesting if you lay down the brush stroke, leave it alone, and then reload your brush. Don't try and scrub the paint into the canvas, otherwise you are just staining, and not painting.

Mistake #6 To Avoid: Over Thinking. Don't overly criticize or judge your own work while you are painting. This only creates discouragement and forces many beginners to become frustrated and quit. Just relax and let go. Trust yourself and your abilities.

I hope this article on acrylic painting has been helpful. Never get discouraged if you are making mistakes or not happy with your work. Mistakes are learning tools. Learn and move on. The most important aspect of painting is the enjoyment we receive from it anyway. Frustration and discouragement should never dominate the painting experience. Happy painting!

Adding A Personal Touch To Your Parties

Let's get personal. That's what many party planners are saying when they make plans to host one-of-a-kind parties such as a bridal shower, baby shower or even a Mother's Day brunch.

Adding a personal touch may be easier than you imagine. Here are some ideas you can use:

• Make your centerpiece stand out. Don't limit yourself to flowers. Centerpieces can consist of anything that fits into the theme of the event. For visual interest, you can use a large glass bowl with goldfish swimming in it. You can cluster candles or float votives in water. For a baby shower, you can build a pyramid of baby blocks.

• Create unique place cards that mean something to the guest of honor. For a bridal shower, attach name tags to a cookie cutter at each place setting. For a baby shower, order custom cookies in the shape of teddy bears with the person's name iced on to them.

• Decorate with a theme. Start by deciding on the colors and the theme. Is your mom a gardener? If you're planning on a brunch for Mother's Day or her birthday, decorate the room with flowers cut out of construction paper. Make a chocolate cake covered in flowers made out of candies.

For a romantic bridal shower, decorate with hearts. Buy a miniature tree. Ask each guest to write something on a paper heart and use these hearts to decorate the tree. Make garlands of hearts.

Make a party that's all one color. For example, if the bride-to-be loves lavender, ask your guests to bring something in that color.

• Party favors should be fun. Keep party favors in the same theme as the rest of the party-such as seed packets for a garden party, candles for a party that relies on them for decoration. Or you can give out lottery tickets at any party celebrating a person's good fortune.

• Don't forget the cookies. Cookies can be very useful in personalizing a party, either as the dessert or as creative place cards.

Good for any special occasion or holiday, you can make a bouquet out of cookies or even give them out as party favors. Do-it-yourself cookie kits, such as those from Cookies by Design, can take a lot of the mess out of this process.

Besides the kits, the company offers fresh-baked hand-decorated cookie bouquets, individual decorated cookies, pan cookies, and other deliciously edible gifts.

Antiques - 7 Reasons Why We Collect Them.

People collect antiques for many different reasons and therefore have many different views.

1. Some people collect antiques because they hold sentimental value. For example, I own a ceramic parrot that had been given to me by my grandparents, a cupboard from my other grandparents and a very old doll that had been given to me by my great aunt.

2. My in-laws once owned an antique business which they set up for sales and auctions. Their basement was always filled with a treasure trove of fascinating and interesting items. They could tell you the worth of any item in the basement. They loved restoring old pieces, not so much so that they could sell it for more but simply because they gained satisfaction from doing so.

3. My son enjoys collecting antique games and old books and even collects them. One of his favorite antiques are the tiddly winks games which he has collected from all over the world.

4. Antique lovers enjoy the chase more than anything. They enjoy searching through stores and antique shops all over the country searching for that specific or unusual item they been looking for.

5. Some people look for antiques as simply a hobby but they very seldom buy anything. They simply enjoy looking at what different areas of the country have the offer. It can be a lot of fun searching through antique stores.

6. Sometimes people who want to furnish their home look for antiques. Antiques of different time periods will often work well together to create a beautiful home.

7. Their other people who deal in the buying and selling of antiques. They are hard-core, know the value of pretty much everything, and always want to buy low and sell high. These folks typically are only interested in the price itself.

Collecting antiques can be a wonderful experience and provide enjoyment for people of all ages.

Adverse Credit Remortgage – Refinance Easily!

A remortgage is defined as the repayment of one mortgage by taking out another secured on the same property. This is done mainly to get a new mortgage for a lower rate of interest from a different lender for a better rate.

An adverse credit remortgage can prove to be a very good option for those suffering from poor credit history. This kind of remortgage can help you get the funds needed. It capitalizes on the increased home equity or existing home equity of the borrower. It allows you to get a mortgage at a lower rate of interest. You can also repay the mortgage in easy monthly options. A good credit history facilitates faster approval of mortgages.

These mortgages are available to all kinds of individuals who are suffering with bankruptcies, foreclosures, low credit ratings, etc. As compared to other lenders, we offer these mortgages at lower rate of interest. You can be rest assured of a favourable mortgage deal. Moreover, you can also choose from a wide range of loan quotes.

They are also known as bad credit, poor credit or non-status adverse credit remortgage. You can also use these mortgages to get funds or get a loan on the increased equity in home or property.

These remortgages are arranged by specialist remortgage brokers. They offer simple remedies for most of your problems. When you need to raise money or want to save money, you can rely on these mortgages. You can even consolidate multiple debts through these remortgages. It goes a long way in reducing your debt burden.

You may have earned bad credit due to some unavoidable reasons. This doesn’t mean that you should not get an opportunity to better the situation at all. Loan defaults, county court judgments or having filed for bankruptcy may have may have got you an adverse credit remortgage. These mortgages make it possible for you to seek a solution for all kinds of debt problems.

Flexible mortgages are another good option which can help you get a loan at a lower rate of interest. You can change the mortgage payments depending upon the variations in the market interest rates. These mortgages will help you regain control over your finances. Following are the advantages of these mortgages:

• You can lower your monthly payments to a considerable extent

• Repay the loan fast

• In case, you overpay, you can also opt for borrow back

If you wish to get a mortgage loan approved fast, then you can check out the online option. This will help you get a loan approved in a very short period of time. You can also seek advice from a team of financial experts who can help you tackle the most difficult problems. No matter what your financial situation is, you can surly find a way out of every situation. This will also help you get an online flexible mortgage fast.

Abstract Art As Therapy

Abstract art is not just a mixture of colourful meaningless patterns and arbitrary shapes.

There is, I believe, a definate therapeutic value to be found in most of the enigmatic marks made by the very different styles available today. What appears to be the most important decision to make is a very careful consideration of the specific audience in conjunction with the choosing of the appropriate artwork. This is not something to be taken lightly or quickly. This can cover anybody within the wide spectrum of individual audiences: a busy boardroom environment or a single office or room where quick thinking, fast reactions, and serious decision making is required; or a worker who returns from a hard days work simply wanting to be visually massaged by an easily observed enigma; or even the space inwhich the desperate and mostly misunderstood person who is gradually loosing their tentative hold on the sense of reality. There is a tremendous variety of possibilities.

Here are some suggested associations from one artists point of view:

Colour plays an obvious healing and therapeutic role to be found in a carefully selected crafted piece, and so colour-field work, which is growing in popularity, first conceived by artists like Mark Rothko and Ellsworth Kelly with their vast areas of empty colour space, might add a general feeling of peace and quiet to an otherwise noisy and hectic environment. With there being very few variations within such a large image a gentle sense of immersion into abstract stillness can slow down any fretful or irratic thinking, and even assist with the adrenal challenge of a creative.

Indefinate shapes or patterns by the likes of Jackson Pollock, Peter Lanyon, and Howard Hodgkin (again, similar works inspired by these very different abstract styles can be seen in many exhibitions, shops and galleries), show a very positive association, and may perhaps persuade a mind filled with illogical thoughts to pause, simply take in the apparent spontenaiety, and then take a different direction. Hodgkin style works in particular can be seen as puzzle like canvases inwhich the observer has no real point of reference so is free to "start" anywhere upon the picture. And because there are very few defined areas sometimes the observer inevitably finds themself either regarding the piece with little emotion, and therefore can freely make a comment - positive or not.

Let us not deny, however, the fact that many an image that has the potential to provoke a negative response can also be of great value to the observer who might actually benefit from seeing such a challenging picture that bears such a bad association. Better there on the wall than here inside the head. In this case the classic associations of red for blood and danger, black for death and sin, brown for decay and illness, along with dramatic lines and movements found in a painting are equally valuable stimulii if revealed within the appropriate environment. This comes back to my point made at the beginning - when choosing a picture, very careful consideration must be taken in order to find that one work of art which speaks directly to the very deepest parts of the observer.

Accurate Psychic Readings

Psychic readers are often trivialized as fortune-tellers at the local fair. However, an effective psychic reader has the ability to address mental and emotional issues, such as pitfalls and bad relationships and how to deal with them; accurate counseling can help seekers address the core of the issue and make better progress in all aspects of their life.

However, doubts on a psychic reader’s credibility begin to crop up when a prediction goes awry. For instance, a psychic may predict that a major shift in the seeker’s relationship will occur in about a year. But when that year is up, and he finds himself in the same relationship, he tends to assume the prophecy was erroneous. Unfortunately, it is not so straightforward.

A psychic reader’s prophecy is not an engraving set in stone. Accuracy is very important in a psychic reading but, in every seeker’s individual life, free will is supreme. Psychic readers do not usually see an inflexible, predestined event. They see the patterns at work in the seeker’s life and how and when they are likely to manifest into certain events – IF his current momentum remains unchanged.

Accuracy must also reflect a psychic's ability to offer lucid insights that a seeker could then apply to the issue in a practical manner. In the context of a bad relationship or marriage for instance, a seeker may be told, "Your relationship is coming to an end," followed by an account of why that is being seen. Whether it is overwhelming job responsibilities or a bad temperament, why a relationship is heading towards disaster is more important than whether it will end. When the seeker begins to understand why things are going wrong and takes measure to rectify it, he takes the first step towards making a change, thus altering the psychic reader’s ominous prophecy.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Adotption is Horrible her in Dauphin County Pa.

This is our story of what happened to myself & my wife Vanessa Dupree of Harrisburg Pa. We decided to adopt children after two of our three left home, one relocated to Dover Delaware and the other went off to college. My wife and I agreed that we wanted to help where help was needed the most, so we went through all the training required by law in Pennsylvania and Dauphin County.

The agency we chose to assist us is called Rejoice Adoption & Foster Care Agency. They showed us many children's photos and background information of each child. We chose a cute little girl named Kanai Brown from Ohio. We knew she had some problems, her former foster mother had in her report of her ,lying,stealing and setting fires. She had also been in foster care since age 2, she was at that time in a foster care home where her foster mother had adopted her biological brother but refused to adopt her due to her behavior problems. A month before meeting Kanai she was matched for adoption with another family. She was taken home with that family on two weekend visits, and they changed their minds one day before she was to go live with them for good, so we knew she had some problems.

Our intentions at that time was to adopt Kanai and then adopt her older 13-year old sister named Kimmisa soon after that. After Kanai had been with us about 3 months, in September 2004 we made contact with the Ohio about adopting Kimmisa: at that time Mr.John Roberts her caseworker had informed me that Kimmisa had recently attacked a foster parent in the home which she was staying in and could not be placed in a home at this time and that she was currently being evaluated for mental problems. So that was as far as we had gone with trying to unify the two sisters (there are 5 siblings in all).

Our adoption hearing for Kanai came up about 3 months later in January 2005; adoption was final in June of 2005. In June of 2005 we received two more foster children named Mariah and Jordan Gilbert, ages 9 and 4 from Lancaster Pa. We were willing to adopt them for as long as their mother Nyshell Gilbert was willing to give up custody, the children's caseworker was a lady named Karen Rosenberg. Karen by law was supposed to stop by our house once per month for home visits to check on the children, but at the time she had classes here in Harrisburg two to three times per week and would visit us once or twice per week. We all became very good friends at that time.

In September of 2005 Ms. Nyshell had a hearing to have her rights terminated by Lancaster County Children and Youth. Karen told us it was okay for us to come, so we did. Karen got up on the stand and talked about how Ms. Nyshell refused to take care of herself or her children. She also pointed out the fact that she had a gay relationship with another female. About three days later Karen came to our house and we talked about the hearing. She then told us that most of what she said in court was made up stories, things that just never happened and the real reason why Ms Nyshell had her kids taken was because she was and still is gay and she stated that the Judge knew the real reason also. My wife and I were very troubled by this and we then asked a few more questions about Ms Nyshell. Karen Rosenberg also confided in us that she does not believe that any child should grow up in a house with two same sex parents and to make sure Ms. Nyshell loses her case, she would always ask her where she was working, and then call that employer and tell them she is a convicted child abuser and of course, she will then be laid off or fired right before every hearing, which was a lie she was never a convicted child abuser.

The way Ms. Nyshell originally got involved with Lancaster County Children and Youth ,she was seeking counseling services for her oldest daughter after having being raped by a grown man. Police advised her to do so when Karen first got involved in the case she quickly noted that Ms. Nyshell had an adult female living inside the home. There were also four kids living in the home. Nariah and Hordan were the two youngest ones she (Karen Rosenberg) told us she tried to get the other two older kids to say mom had hit them but it was to difficult. Neither was willing to lie on their mother even after several interviews, so she had six year old Nariah agree to a make up story about her mother hitting her with a strap so Karen used this as her reason for pulling all four children out of the home even though the older two always stuck to their story, that never hit anyone.

Over the next couple of months Karen confided these and many other cases where they would force parents to confess to things they did not do in exchange for visits with their children and then kept them because of their confessions. In January 2006 we told Karen we were having second thoughts about adopting Nariah kordan due to the fact that we believed they were wrongfully taken from their and we just did not feel good about going through with it and to us this is a lifetime decision. We just did not see anything wrong with her raising her kids with a girlfriend, although we (Karen, my wife and I) are all Christian, we disagreed on that one issue. Over the next month she came by a few extra times and tried to convince us to change our minds, even though we loved the kids just as much as our very own; we still told her no.

In February 2006 the children were scheduled for their last and final visit with their mother, which was to be held at Rejoice Foster Care & Adoption agency and be supervised by caseworkers employed by Rejoice. Karen was never involved with the kids visits with their mother, so we did not expect this time to be any different. We dropped the kids off at Rejoice that evening, handed them over to a Rejoice caseworker as usual. We came back two hours later and were told by Karen Rosenberg that Nariah said she was hit with a strap by my wife Vanessa, so therefore she is taking both kids out of our home. We were very upset because she told us she had used the exact same story on Ms Nyshell.

The following day, February 15, 2006 Karen Rosenberg reported the abuse allegations to Dauphin County Children & Youth to a caseworker named Denise Shay. She then came by Kanai's school that day to interview her. She was asked all kinds of questions, mostly about us (we know this because after every interview she would come home and let us know). After 8-10 interviews in March 2006 we went to school to pick up Kanai and were met by Denise Shay in the parking lot . She told us that Kanai said my wife and I hit her with a strap on at least one occasion; therefore she was taking Kanai into custody. She also informed us there would be a hearing tomorrow before a Master Judge. We found an attorney that evening, Mr Roger Luguana. There was not a lot to say at the hearing because Kanai admitted in court she lied, there the Judge said she is to be returned home immediately.

Once the hearing was over , Denise Shay took Kanai and told us she will be right back, she was going to get her clothes and book bag. She came back out some 30 minutes later and informed us they were going to appeal and Kanai would not be coming home with us until the appeal is over ( even though prior to the hearing we were told the Master Judge decision was final). At that time Denise Shay evidently went to a different judge and claimed I admitted in the Lancaster case to punching kordan (which was a lie). All of this was done after our attorney had left.

Over the next couple of weeks we were asked to confess to abusing Kanai in exchange for visits with her - we refused. About three weeks later the county judge, Judge Hoover agreed to meet with our lawyer Roger Luguana, but he refused to meet with us. After that meeting Judge Hoover allowed us to have visits with Kanai. We went to see her twice that week and then I received a call from Denise Shay on our answering machine stating that we were not being very cooperative with their investigation or in other words we refused to admit to anything we did not do, so therefore the visits must stop.

Prior to our next hearing in March 2006, my wife and I received only a couple of phone calls and went down there to sign papers a couple of times for Dauphin County Children and Youth,but every time we were always being told some sort of bad news. We were told the following things would happen if we lost: 1. They would ask the judge at that time to take Jasmin, our biological 15 year old daughter into care/custody. 2. We could never pass a background check again so that meant changing for me and my wife. 3. We would have criminal charges brought against us after that. 4. If we just sign her over none of those three would happen and we will have 30 days to think it or change our minds if we wanted to. Denise also said Karen would be there to let the court know we confessed to her everything, thus letting us know that Karen was willing to lie in court again as she did in Ms. Nyshell Gilbert's case. Therefore we choose to sign Kanai over giving up our rights, prior to our hearing, knowing we had 30 days to decide if we were going to risk everything or not.

Twenty-eight days later we (our lawyer and us) filled out the paperwork to let the court know we had change our minds. About two weeks later in March 2006 Judge Hoover agreed to meet with our attorney again. At this meeting our attorney was informed we could not change our minds and we had to stick with our first decision where we must sign her over again, but this time the forms will read "by mutual agreement", unlike the first one that stated there was a hearing and we were convicted even though there was no hearing. Even going as far as to give us only 30 days to sign her over again. We waited about 60 days on July 26 2006 to sign her over again, due to the simply fact it's getting very costly, about 15,000.00 so far between child support payments for Kanai while back in foster care and attorney fees, for all three children. The worst part of it was here in Dauphin County they attach our wages, even though we were never late with a payment. They kept making the same mistake with the amounts, instead of taking out $800.00 per month, they kept doubling and tripling that amount, thus leaving us at times with less than $20.00 per week.

Dauphin County is not a good place to adopt. But since then the dear sent two people into our lives that change everything for the better their names are Myron Golden and Dwayne Golden, We will like to thank them for all they have done for us since our darkest days..

Abracadabra A Great Birthday With A Magician!

Children’s birthday parties have become outrageous showcases of food, gifts, and entertainment that are costing parents more and more each year. Instead of focusing on the child, parents are striving more and more to “keep up with the Joneses” and put on fantastic displays that involve a great deal of time and money for the planning and execution of the party. Instead of worrying about booking venues packed with activities, consider throwing your child an old fashioned bash in your own backyard. For a special touch, consider hiring a magician to entertain both children and adults for the party. A magician is a great way to entertain the crowd while maintaining a unique aspect for your child’s party.

A magician is a classic way to entertain and enthrall the young and the young at heart when it comes to hosting a birthday party. If your child is interested in becoming the next Houdini, use magic as the theme for his or her party. If you are planning to hire a magician to provide entertainment for you child’s birthday party, you may need to plan ahead and book the magician’s services in advance to prevent any last minute cancellations or bookings.

If you have decided to include a magician in your child’s birthday party, call around. Ask friends, family members, or coworkers for a referral of a specific magician they have hired or seen perform in the past. Also, consider contacting your local chamber of commerce or business organization to see if there is someone offering their entertainment services for hire. You will find that word of mouth is incredibly powerful; as you can be sure the magician you hire to perform at a birthday party or any event will provide age appropriate entertainment.

Before your hire a magician or any entertainment provider, be sure to get the agreement in writing. Also, you may need to pay an initial deposit to ensure the date for the party. Some questions to ask the magician include if their material is appropriate for children, how long they plan to perform, if they are willing include the birthday child in their act, and what will happen in the unfortunate event they are unable to attend or perform.

Once you have booked your magician, be sure not to change the date and time of the party. Doing so may cost you additional money or cause you to lose the magician due to previous commitments. A magician may book several parties or events on a given day, so his or her schedule is tight and unable to be changed.

Hiring a magician is an excellent way to entertain everyone present at the party. Many magicians include kid friendly magic tricks and may even teach the children a couple of tricks of their own. If this is the case, be sure to purchase any potential items necessary for the event for the children ahead of time. Also, consider giving away magic tricks as game prizes or party favors so the theme is continued throughout the party. Your child is sure to enjoy the fun filled tricks, jokes, and illusions that a professional magician can provide.

Anime 101

Simply put, anime is a form of cartoon animation created in Japan, which explains animes formerly-popular moniker, Japanimation. Anime’s history began at the start of the 20th century. This was when Japanese filmmakers began trying out new animation techniques that were being used in the Western world. Anime did not reach mainstream status until the 1980s, and since then it has blown up not only in Japan, but around the globe.

Part of the draw that anime possesses is the fact that they can target wide ranges of viewers. This is due to the fact that animes are not confined to one category, but run the entire gamut of genres, including action, sci-fi, drama, romance, horror, and yes, even erotica. Many animes do not limit themselves to one particular genre and mix genres together.

Animation itself allows anime creators to convey just about any storyline they desire. It is much easier to make a cartoon about large robots featuring huge action and destruction sequences than it is to produce a live-action film including the same things. With recent advances in CGI animators have even more power to transfer their wildest imaginations on to a screen. Storylines, characters, and settings are limited only to what creators can conjure up in their minds.

Though animes seem to be simple cartoons on the surface, many of them have deeper storylines and character development. This may be conveyed through the use of character-based flashbacks, which portray part of a character’s past to the viewer, allowing them to understand why they act a certain way or say the things they say. Juvenile humor may be thrown in sporadically in drama-based animes, but do not be surprised if you see poignant and profound character development in humor-based animes as well.

Needless to say, not all animes are just cartoons for kids. In fact, the majority of animes feature violence, sexual innuendos, and language that may not be suitable for children. This is likely a major reason why anime’s popularity has exploded in the past few years across the world. With animes, cartoons are no longer just for kids, and even adults can find themes of romance and drama that they might otherwise find only in real-life television shows. The unique blend of animated characters with more mature themes is undoubtedly an enticing combination for adult-viewers.

Most anime series find their foundations in manga, or Japanese comics. These mangas are usually a few episodes ahead of the actual television series and have become popular among international audiences as well.

When animes are released in theaters, on television, or on DVDs in countries outside of Japan, distributors must decide whether they want to use subtitles or dubbed voices. There are pros to both sides of the issue, and there are strong proponents of both. Some viewers enjoy watching their anime without having to read words on the bottom of the screen, which they say take away from the visual pleasures of the anime. Others prefer to hear the original voice acting and enjoy reading the more literal translations. DVDs offer both sides a satisfying medium, as they allow for either subtitles or English voice tracks.

Now that you know the basics of anime and its history, it is time to find the right animes for you. There are countless resources on the Internet that give recommendations and reviews of numerous anime series, many of which are readily available on DVD and even on television stations. Pick a genre, read up on reviews and summaries of shows that you are interested in, and enjoy.

Happy hunting.

An Look Inside The Karaoke Machine

The 'Karaoke' is a very popular form of entertainment. The Karaoke allows the singer to sing along with the favorite recorded soundtracks. The origin of the word 'Karaoke' is from Japan which means 'empty orchestra' or 'virtual orchestra'. Now a day Karaoke machines are widely used as an alternative playback device in films and even in computers and mobile phones.

Overview of Karaoke Machine

A Karaoke Machine is built-in with karaoke player, amplifier, speakers, and often a TV monitor. The karaoke player is generally a CD or DVD player that comes with various added function of graphics output. The Karaoke Player allows playing 'Karaoke' which further is needed to get connected to other karaoke equipments such as a TV monitor, sound system, etc. in order to function. The Karaoke Players generally come in two types i.e. portable and component style.

The portable Karaoke Player is basically an all-in-one system which is very easy to operate. The portable Karaoke systems which are great home entertainer are mainly used at home parties and at small entertainment venues. These systems generally consist of a CD player, a microphone, a pitch and echo controller and external speakers with built in amplifiers.

Other than the portable Karaoke Machine these players also come in component style. The Component Karaoke systems are similar in size and function to that of portable systems but have several additional features. The component players are basically multi disc systems. These systems have several microphone inputs with separate volume controls for each microphone. The component Karaoke systems do not have any speaker or amplifier. Therefore these systems are usually connected to either home or any professional sound systems.

The Technology behind the Karaoke Machine

A standard Karaoke generally consists of an audio input and an audio output and act as an audio mixers. In a Karaoke Machine regular songs can be fed into the machine and the voice of the original singer can be suppressed. Sometimes karaoke machine uses a special type of compact disc which has graphics capability and this disc is popularly known as CD+G disc. The CD+G players are generally used to display the lyrics and pictures on the screen along with the music, while both audio and video are displayed in the other formats of karaoke. With the help of different technologies the karaoke machines are capable changing electronically the pitch of the music. This technology helps the amateur singers to sing along with any music source most appropriate to their vocal ranges.

Adult Clubs – Advisable For Good Entertainment

Adult clubs cannot be looked down upon; they are very decent clubs offering entertainment. Most of the time, it is men who are out on an evening seeking a good stress buster. Visiting an adult club is a great way to reduce their stress, as they see the most exotic ladies dancing nude on the stage. Most adult clubs will make sure that they have the best dancers.

The adult clubs will offer good prices for all guests, and they insist that all of them should be eighteen and above. There is no need to look anywhere else for entertainment. The adult clubs will have all they can to offer. Even the dancers and strippers will have to be eighteen years of age, to entertain any guests. Adult clubs vary with comfort and pricing.

The adult club will offer good entertainment depending on the money the guests are willing to pay. For a good sum, they will get the best strippers for a good dance. The lap dance is the most common and also the most favored dance among all. The strippers wear such wonderful clothes, that during the lap dance, the men can enjoy the feel of their lovely skin.

In all adult clubs, they will insist that the women dress well, and also maintain their bodies. Their bodies are their main assets, and they use them to please their guests in all ways. Adult clubs also have the best kind of rooms with a lot of privacy. When the guest pays accordingly, they can get access to a great stripper as well as a good room.

The room will be well set and also have all the comforts one needs. Most strippers will wear the minimum of clothes, and they really are so attractive, that guests will not want to leave. The guests are given the best treatment, as the services will want them to come back to their clubs all the time. These clubs will insist on quality.

Quality will concern the dancers as well as other services. Some adult clubs do serve alcohol, and some prefer not to sell. Even the dance stages in the clubs will be prepared with such exotic taste. Most of the guests will prefer to see the dancers on the stage, as they will get a better view of them, all dressed in very skimpy clothes.

Some of the dancers will be topless or nude. This also depends on the club. Adult clubs are not at all like the way some people think them to be. They are fun places, and also allow the guests to be at ease. They will be able to relax as they please. This is also a place where they can be themselves, and they can admire the dancers as they please.

Since adult clubs offer privacy, men can always enjoy themselves to their heart’s content. The lovely strippers will also enjoy offering their best services. They will do everything in their capacity to make the guests happy.

All American Modern Art For Home And Garden Weathervanes

Learning to appreciate and admire our own culture is sometimes a tad bit overlooked by most, as is the essence of a weather vane. Life among the garden plants, vases, flowers, trees and birds at home sometimes also goes overlooked by those who are too busy to remember how far we have come as a civilization. Weathervanes are like instant memories. With some weathervane the sound of changing wind will be an immediate reminder of our culture and heritage, with others the mere sight will invoke past experiences and pleasant memories. Art can change society if it wants to or even bring inspiration and insight. The most traditional of American modern arts in the home and garden, is the weather vane. From the oldest documented colonial weathervane of Deacon Shem Drowne in the 18th century with his most famous Grasshopper weathervane that sits upon Faneuil Hall in Boston to the present day, weathervane sculptures have shaped American modern art.

Weathervane and American Modern Art

When we think of American modern art, most people tend to think of paintings and sculptures that sit in galleries and art museums. Weathervane are some of the most traditional works of American sculpture art because they have told the direction of the wind on the tops of houses, fences and barns for hundreds of years and represented important elements in our history. They are made by hand and no two can be exactly the same. Each weather vane is in and of itself a work of human expression, crafted by the hands of an artesian who takes their work seriously and with great passion. Old North Church (1740, Boston), First Church in Cambridge (1721), Province House (1716, Boston), Goddess of Liberty, the Federal Eagle and many famous race horses have all been immortalized by the sculpture of weathervane and banners upon the highest tops.

Weathervane Give The Direction of The Wind and Feed Imagination.

The compass rose is held firmly on a weather vane and will always show the direction of north. The weather vane itself will always point in the direction from which the wind originates. The movement of wind and air is physically the disbursing of energy that has picked up speed and travels through the sky abiding the laws of the cosmos. Indicating in a subtle way, what the skies are about to do. Wind may normally tend to stand idle without a weather vane, but it is always doing something, even if it is absent. Metalworkers and historians alike have been enchanted by the fascinating beauty of weathervane and those delicate “cathartic” moments they captivate in our hearts. Curving and spinning like a dancer, the weather vane fuels our human imagination with its beauty and becomes our link to the sky.

Art In Home and Garden Inspires Peace and Contemplation

This deep and intricate realm of American modern art can be most appreciated in the delicate things. Home and Garden is a place where that kind of traditional hand made art restores the splendor of the subtle and peaceful. “Home is where the heart is.” And through the art of weathervane our expressions of self and family become most attuned to the sky, wind and land that we call home. The weather vane inspires peace and contemplation wherever it stands. Mythical creatures, farm animals, creatures of the sea, sailboats, airplanes, national prides; creative works of an artistic imagination that follow the moving patterns of the wind, a wind that only sleeps at the calm of the storm. And in those moments the weather vane asks a question, where is the wind?

Friday, March 29, 2013

Acting Lesson To Be An Successful Actor

Successful Actors
Advice to anyone who wants a career as an actor.

Be on time.
On a big film the money is going out the door at about 30 grand every 20 minutes. On a network TV show the rate is only a bit less. If you are ten minutes late for a job that pays five hundred bucks - you will be very disliked by the producer and everybody that works for him. People will scream at you. If you are late for an audition, the casting director will worry that you won't get to the job on time. If you are late for a job, that casting director will also have people screaming at her. And further more there is no such thing as an eight-hour day in show business. If you cannot work a long day, you are unsuited for success in show business.

Be an early riser.
If you want to be in the movie or television business, you must be the kind of person who can get up at 5 in the morning. If you work in the theatre, your early rising will fall about 10 AM - because you work into the night. But if you plan on working in this industry you would do well to make early rising a lifelong habit. The early starts and long hours mean that you will be spending about half your life with co-workers. If you are a pain in the butt - you will be heartily disliked by other people who are also working 12 hour days. Word will get around and it will be harder to get work. Therefore be nice to people no matter what. You have to keep your 'creative juices' flowing during the entire 12 hours. If you don't love doing this kind of work, being on for 12 hours is impossible.

Well groomed and clean.
You are not the part. Even the guys who play bikers and bums wear deodorant and have clean teeth. Your breath must be pleasant. A co-worker who literally stinks will get a reputation and lose opportunities because of it.

No complains
Those actors on sets who do complain about the dressing rooms, the food, the director, the co-star, the costume people, the lack of work, the hours, the script and pretty much anything. They are labelled as complainers and are rarely appreciated or tolerated for very long.

Good value from you
When you habitually give 100% of your energy to the work - you will get more work.

An Education In The Arts

For some people art is just something you put on your refrigerator doors. It is something you have to do for schoolwork, or to while your time away. In truth, there truly is something beneath the surface of art that will tantalize every student and teacher. And this is the truth behind art education.

Q. What Is An Education In The Arts?
A. Art Education is the means by which a student gains an understanding of form and design. An education in the arts is typically divided into three areas - the fine arts, such as music, drama, sculpture or painting, the general arts, programs such as education, criminology, etc, and design, such as graphic design, web design, or interior design.

Q. Why Arts?
A. Art has a great power to influence people. It also has a significant effect on the history of man. Art may seem like it is just something pretty, but under the hood it boasts of a pretty powerful engine. One that has shaped the world, and indeed your very life. You can't go one day in the span of your life without being exposed to some form of artistic design, from the

A wise man once said that an education in the arts is the absolute best education one can have because it exposes you to the most general field of studies. Over time, you will know a little about everything. If you chose a more specialized field, you would gradually learn more and more about less and less. And I'd rather know a little about everything than everything about something, don't you agree?

1. Express Yourself

Art is by far one of the most rewarding careers because, unlike a career in the sciences or a trade, it allows you to express your creativity. And no two days are the same. The power to captivate and inspire is also very rewarding. Hasn’t the Mona Lisa drawn its share of oohs and aahs? And hasn’t many a tear been shed at the beautiful works of art around the world? Man has always expressed his deepest thoughts and desires in a tangible form. This form is Art.

Industries need artists who have had a good education in Art. Creating labels, stickers, and advertisements for their products isn’t easy. These things require plenty of thought and design. Every detail has been considered to make its effect on the consumer optimal. Have you ever been interested in a product simply because of the packaging? This is art at work.

2. Art Is Everywhere

- Color
- Psychology
- Design esthetics
- Advertisements
- Television & Movies
- Furniture
- Clothing

3. Who Should Study Art?

Almost everyone has gone to art class in grade school or high school. Even those who are not artists can benefit from an Art Education. They will come to appreciate the rich history and significance of Art.

4. I Want to Learn! How do I Sign Up?

Art education is not confined to undergrad studies. It also extends to tutors, art classes, vocational classes and other learning methods. Many schools exist that teach the history, principles and appreciation of Art. These schools carry the tradition of imparting to the next generation the significance of art.

5. The Rewards Of An Art Education

You may be tempted to think you will be able to wing it through a career without any formal training. That is possible, but not likely. Industries are on the lookout for those with professional education. Even with an education from a post-secondary institution, in this field, you never stop learning and keeping up with technology.

An Art Education is clearly important to artists and laymen alike. It may not be the path everyone takes, but it is the path that richly rewards those who take it. The riches here are not only of the material kind but that of a good education and a heightened appreciation of the world around you.

An Overview...Originals and Limited Editions

Art collectors have long had the choice of purchasing art on paper or art on canvas. The paper art included original works such as watercolors, pastels, pencil or ink drawings, lithos, serigraphs and etchings....and limited editions reproduced photomechanically from originals.

Canvases were usually original (and costly) works of art. But now, the growing popularity and availability of limited editions on canvas give collectors “the original look” at affordable prices.

So what are limited edition canvases and how are they produced?

There are several ways of producing canvas limited editions such as the once popular “canvas transfers,” made by fusing the top layer of a paper print onto a prepared canvas surface. The result was an image that appeared as you might expect it to — like a paper print fused to a piece of canvas. Often, to make the print look “original,” the artist (or a technician) added textured varnish or paint to the print surface.

Today's state of the art reproductive technique is the giclée (jhee-clay) method in which high-tech printing equipment sprays millions of digitally-matched ink droplets per second onto a surface. Canvas, paper and archival board are the most common giclée surfaces.

Developed some ten years ago, the giclée has now become the “gold standard” — an important and permanent part of the limited edition world.

This spectacular blend of technology and fine art looks so much like the original work of art that even astute collectors do “double-takes.” Therefore, buyers should be aware that not all “original appearing” works of art are original.

The giclée (unless printed on paper) is meant to be enjoyed without glass, so nothing comes between you and your art.

Adult Industry Awards 2007

With this years awards being split into 2 main categories, and for that matter two arenas, adult productions (mainly DVD producers, actors and actresses) and sex toys. While the allure of the DVD awards was tempting I kept to my brief and spent a weekend searching out the new products and also keeping a keen eye on the movers and shakers in the industry.

Day one was expo day and resembled an upmarket car boots sale, albeit the products where shiny and new and the tables where adorned with vibrators, dildos, stap-ons and all manner of sex toys, some of which I had a hard time working out which way they went on and what exactly they did.

The big guns where out in force with Doc Jonson commanding a prime spot in the arena, the big push (if that's the right word) was on their new range of Pretty End butt plugs and a range of Pretty Jenna Jameson vibrators and dildos. The most interesting thing about the new ranges where the pale pastel colors selected with each coming in a total of six different colors and the most exciting of these was the G-spot "Brianna" range, and the guys and gals at Doc Johnson where kind enough to let me have one in appealing Baby Blue color. Review on this to follow no doubt, but hey it's been a busy week and well, I haven't had time to road test it yet - shame on me!

Moving on to the awards on day two of the event and there was a little surprise, but not in fairness a huge one, in the best female toy with the Rabbit Pearl vibrator coming in at number one with I'm told a huge majority vote.

One interesting male sex toy that seems to have made a resurgence and indeed picked up Best in Class for Male Sex Toy as voted by readers of Heat magazine was the Penisator, a strange device that slips over the penis and can be used alone or during intercourse. A simple concept with very popular sensations for both parties.

Best selling toy of 2006, no prizes for guessing this one and with worldwide sales in the millions the classic Rabbit Vibrator romped home with a comfortable victory in this class. Runner up went to the new range of Glow in the Dark beads from Nasstoys and third place went to a personal favourite, California Exotics "Shanes World Hottie".

With attendance of in excess of 50,000 people in one weekend the show has been a massive hit once again and it was nice to see old faces and nice to see lots of new faces too. So let's look forward to a year of new exciting products to tickle all our fancies and fatasies and look forward to Expo 2008 in Denmark.

Are You Looking For Quality Comedy Entertainment?

Are you looking for quality comedy entertainment? Check out ComedySportz for a great show everyone in your family or group will love.

1. ComedySportz is funny improvisation played as a sport. It is excellent entertainment for people of all ages.

2. Two teams improvise while acting out scenes, games, and songs as they compete for points and laughes from the audience. There are referees who monitor play and the National Anthem is played before every game. The winning team is chosen by the audience who takes a vote.

3. ComedySportz is modeled after the comedy show, Theatersports by Keith Johnson. The comedy version was born in 1984 by Dick Chudnow.

4. You can find this comedy show in cities throughout the United States including: Spokane, Chicago, Indianapolis, Richmond, Dallas, and New York. They also do shows in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

5. Because this comedy show is clean, funny, interactive and positive it is a great show for the entire family.

6. ComedySportz performs well over 2000 shows on the road ever year. They do shows for colleges, corporate events, churches and fundraising groups.

7. Highly rated by everyone who sees one of their shows fans of ComedySportz rave about the quality of their shows.

8. Comedy is not the only service provided by ComedySportz. They also offer a variety of classes, workshops and seminars on teambuilding and communication skills. These workshops provide an opportunity to improve communication skills and teamwork in the workplace.

9. There are three levels of workshops. Level One seminars on improvisation include: trust, speed, status, accepting and conquering fears and basic scene making. These skills are learned through a games and various activities which require improvisation.

10. The next level workshop is level two. Once you have completed level one you can take a level two workshop. It is here you will learn ComedySportz games as well continued work on improvisational skills. There are even opportunities for level two students to perform. Level Three continues to build on these skills.

11. If you or your company is interested in having a seminar focused on learning communication and team work skills while also having a great time, ComedySportz can put one together for you.

ComedySportz offers comedy, fun, healthy competition and opportunities for self improvement.

About casino portals and gambling guides

Understanding how a casino portal works is not something that is ready knowledge for most online gamblers.

Gambling guides and casino portals are sometimes misunderstood. Many people do not realize it is these gambling websites which are very much responsible for the good things that happen in the world of online gambling because they are the ears and voices of the gaming community. Many times online casinos have reversed their decision to take an action which is not player-friendly because of the outcries of guides and portal owners who are almost all what is called "affiliates" in the industry.

As important as it is to know the affiliate is responsible for many of the good things in online gambling it is equally important to understand that nothing is ever taken away from the player by the existence of the affiliate. Some people think that because the affiliate makes a commission that they are costing the player something but it couldn't be further from the truth. Affiliates are like an extra padding of insurance that the player will be treated right. Just like there are bad casinos and good, so are there bad affiliates and good. The bad ones are those who will promote any online casino willing to pay them, the good ones step in on behalf of their players whenever a casino mistreats them. That being said, whether an affiliate costs the player any extra money is a separate issue from what casinos an affiliate chooses to list on their site or if they will step in on behalf of the player.

Affiliates are paid in several different ways which include a set amount for every visit sent to the casino website, a set amount for every player who signs up and plays for real money, a percentage of what that player loses, and there is even a payment model that depends largely on the player winning which is called "wagershare", a common practice in Las Vegas that happens with high rollers where someone who is a free-lance escort is paid in the same manner... which is a percentage on whatever amount is gambled. That is not on what is won or what is lost, but rather it is just like the way any casino, land or virtual, figures comp points. It is all figured on how many times you put money into the slot machine, or how many hands and at what stakes? in blackjack or one of the other table games. The more the player wins the more they are going to wager of course so this model is a favorite with most guides because they want to see the players win and its great when you can also profit from that excitement. In truth it all figures out to about the same whatever the model is based, although the residual incomes (the percentage of) are the fairest to all involved because the other models always end up with one side or the other coming out on the short end of the stick (that meaning the affiliate and the casino as this has no bearing on a player because if the affiliate wasn't to get paid what they do ... the money would go straight into the casino's advertising budget or their pocket but it doesn't go back to the player, just ask anybody who has ever signed up straight from a search engine, they get no more extras than anybody else, further is they have nobody to turn for help if they get cheated, whereas those who signed up through a guide can go back there and ask for intervention).

There are also gambling guides and casino portals that straight out sell advertising space and some that were created by the casinos they list. But no matter what the type, at no time does the affiliate ever cost the player anything. Besides being excellent places from which to choose a casino, these establishments often offer tips to help the player in both their game play and in their approach to online gambling as it is different than real life, most noticeably in the time delay of payments.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Addiction: When Gambling Becomes a Problem

While most people enjoy casino gambling, sports betting, lottery and bingo playing for the fun and excitement it provides, others may experience gambling as an addictive and distractive habit. Statistics show that while 85 percent of the adult population in the US enjoys some type of gambling every year, between 2 and 3 percent of will develop a gambling problem and 1 percent of them are diagnosed as pathological gamblers.

Where can you draw the line between harmless gambling to problem gambling? How can you tell if you or your friend are compulsive gamblers? Here you can find answers to these questions and other questions regarding problem gambling and gambling addiction.

What is the Meaning of Problem Gambling?

Problem gambling or compulsive gambling is defined as an uncontrollable urge to gamble despite the destructive effect of gambling on the gamblers life and despite feelings of guilt and remorse. Problem gambling tends to have a negative effect on the gamblers financial state, relationships and daily life. Severe cases of problem gambling can be defined as pathological gambling.

Am I a Compulsive Gambler?

1) Do you gamble until your last penny runs out?

2) Do you gamble to win back your former losses or debts?

3) Did you ever had to borrow money to continue gamble?

4) Did your gambling habit ever made you lie to your friends or family?

5) Did you ever skip work or other obligation to gamble?

6) Do you tend to gamble to forget about your personal problems or to celebrate happy occasions?

7) Does gambling have a negative affect on your daily life or relationships?

If you have answered yes on at least one of the questions listed above, then you have a problem.

Can Anyone Become a Compulsive Gambler?

Theoretically, yes. Any gambler can develop gambling problem regardless to the type of gambling he is occupied with, the amount of money and time he is spending on gambling. Researches show that slot machines that can be found in bars and convenient stores are the most addictive type of gambling activity, while lottery draws and bingo games are located on the other end of the scale. Gambling addiction is an emotional problem; its symptoms, causes and treatments are similar to any other form of addiction.

How Can I treat Gambling Addiction?

1) Group Therapy:

Gamblers Anonymous offers a 12 step self help program similar to the one offered to alcohol addicts in Alcoholics Anonymous. Group therapy also offers gambling addicts advice and support from professional counselors and other gambling addicts in different phases of their recovery process. Gambler Anonymous centers are available in more than 1,200 locations statewide.

2) Individual Therapy:

Cognitive or behavior therapy can help gambling addicts to identify their unaware thinking and acting patterns, which led them to gamble compulsively, and to replace them with controllable and healthier ways of thinking.

3) Psychiatric Medication:

It has recently been proven that antidepressant medications from the family of SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can be affective in treatment of gambling addicts.

Acting - Audition Tips

The fact is, auditions are a nerve wracking experience for actors. They'd rather have their eyebrows plucked. Unfortunately, they're an essential part of being an actor. So by following these steps you'll have the best chance of getting the part.

In getting the audition in the first place, you or your agent are going to have to submit a photo and resume to the casting director. Sometimes you'll get an open call where anybody can come down but these are the exception, not the rule. Most auditions are by invitation only.

If you are called for an audition you will usually be given what are called "sides" or a few pages of a script that you will have to read at the audition. In theater you may also be required to have some kind of monologue ready.

The first thing to do is read the script and prepare for the part. Find out everything you can about the character you're going to be playing. The lines aren't important yet. Just commit your focus to the character. How old, where from, how the character feels about other characters in the story. Only after you know everything you need to know about the character do you start learning your lines. Use whatever method you feel most comfortable with. You won't be required to know the whole script at the audition but be prepared.

Before you go to the audition, dress for the part. Wear clothes that fit the character and the story. If you're playing a cowboy don't get dressed up in a business suit. You don't have to go out and rent spurs but wear clothes that suggest the role. Jeans and boots for this role will do fine.

Warm up for the audition just like a pitcher warms up before a ball game. Do some stretches and vocal exercises. Go over your lines. Don't go in there cold. It's normal to be nervous but in preparing yourself you won't be as nervous and you'll be able to relax a bit.

When you get to the audition, sign in. You may have to wait for others to read for the same part. Be patient. Avoid talking with the other actors. They will only try to distract you. Focus on what you came there to do.

When actually reading for the casting director, be prepared for anything. Some may sit and chat with you a few minutes and others will just get right down to business. Forget that this is an audition. Do the performance as if you were actually in the production. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Make the director believe that you ARE the character. They want you to be the best person for the role because that means their job is completed.

There are some things not to do when reading for the casting director. Don't suck up. A sincere compliment is fine but a casting director will know when you're just grovelling. Aside from shaking his hand when you enter, never touch the casting director. Finally, don't trash the office. Some hyperactive actors will actually do this in the heat of performing a physical scene. This is a definite way NOT to get the part.

After you're done with your reading the director will let you know when they'll get back to you. Leave it at that. Don't make a scene. Just be professional and leave.

If the casting director likes your performance you will be asked to come back. At this time there will be fewer people auditioning and more people watching your performance. Maybe some producers, directors and writers. Wear the same clothes that you wore to the first audition and put in the same performance. Don't second guess yourself. If they called you back then they liked what they saw the first time. Don't mess with success.

Keep records of each audition. Make notes of what things you did and what you think you can do better the next time. If something went very well, make a note of what it was.

The more auditions you do the better you will get at them.

Acting - Getting Started

If you want to be an actor the first thing you have to understand is that everyone and their grandmother thinks they can act and wants to be an actor. The competition you will face will be monumental. With that in mind, here are some tips on what to do if you want to have a career as an actor.

For starters, you must understand that there is no one way to become a successful actor. Some very famous actors were discovered while doing other jobs and just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Yes, there is a lot of luck involved in this business. In addition to that luck you'll need connections and a lot of determination. Here are a few ways to get your foot in the door.

Just about every town in the world has a small theater where they put on local amateur performances. Take advantage of this even if you're really only interested in film or television. The truth is, acting is acting and it doesn't change much just because you're on a stage instead of in a film or television studio. Any practice that you get is only going to improve your chances of getting the gig that you're looking for. Also, many agents and casting directors go to these small theaters looking for talent. There's always the chance that they're going to spot you.

Next there's student films. If there is a college in your hometown, most likely they have a performing arts program with students involved in doing their own films. Film students are always on the lookout for talented actors to appear in their films. You could very well be just what they're looking for. They probably won't be able to pay you anything and the film itself will probably be pretty bad but it will be good experience for you. Just make sure you get a video tape of your performance and keep in touch with the student director. You never know where this might lead.

Another way to get your foot in the door is to be an extra. Many times when a movie studio is filming on location shots they need extras such as people in a crowd. Go down there and tell them that you're interested in being an extra. You never know what this could lead to. The casting director may just like your looks and ask you to come in and read for a speaking part, if not for this film, for a future one. Plus, this will give you great experience as you will get to see what a professional film set looks like and how things run. Every little bit helps.

Then there are independent films. Many of these companies can't afford to hire experienced actors. This is a very good chance to get your foot in the door. Plus there is always the chance that one of these independent films will take off and be big hit. It has happened. You could very well be the next overnight success because of it.

After you've built up a bit of a resumé doing the things above, get yourself an agent and put together a portfolio for him to shop around. That's his job. He'll have more contacts than you and a much better chance of getting you something.

Most of all, be persistent. Don't give up. Becoming a successful actor is one of the most difficult things that anyone could want to do but it is also one of the most rewarding. In many cases simply by not quitting you'll finally land the part that you've always dreamed of.

Acting - Have you got what it takes?

Acting is a big industry. There are actors everywhere from the theatre to films, from TV to radio, and even on the street in the form of mime. Yet acting is not easy – in fact, like playing music, it is almost impossible to master.

To be a good actor, you have to be able to get inside a character and literally live as them – to convince your audience, and, for a moment, even yourself, that the character is who you are. Given that all you will probably have to work with is a few written words, perhaps costumes and a set, and your imagination, it’s a difficult undertaking.

The range of skills that an actor must have to be effective is very wide. You need to have a mastery of your body for movement that can include fighting, dancing, or evocative expressions. Your voice, too, must be clear enough to be understood from a distance, and you might also need some talent in singing or putting on accents. The most difficult aspect by far, though, is the emotional one, as you must be able to assume different emotions at will – crying on demand, for example, or being able to give an effective illusion of happiness or excitement.

One of the most widely-used means of portraying realistic emotions is Stanislavski’s theory of method acting, which you would do well to study if you wish to become an actor. Basically, the idea is that when you are acting, you think of a time when you felt the emotion you wish to portray. For example, if your character is sad over the death of their mother, you might think of the time when you were small and your dog died, and so start crying. There’s more to it than that, but that’s the basic theory, and it can give a very convincing performance when done correctly.

Affordable car finance from personal car loan!

Always wondered where you could find affordable car loan even in the absence of collateral. Set right go, on a four-wheeler of your choice.

You have a dream and secured personal car loan have affordable loans to fulfill it. Grab on the right opportunity to drive your sports car home. Before deciding on any car loan consider the various options available to you. There is a variety of car loan options to choose from.

Secured personal car loan

Lease out or hire a car

Unsecured car loan

Used car loan

A tenant or a homeowner, good or bad credits, collateral pledged or not, you still qualify for car loans of your choice. No lender will restrict you on the car dealer you choose the car from.

A security attached to a loan reduces the risk faced by a lender. It is this factor that compels the lender to offer you car loans at a lower APR. On the other hand an unsecured car loan is made instantly with no collateral pledged. But the rates are not the same as in the case of secured car loan.

The choice is open to you. Based on your convenience and availability of collateral you can either opt for a secured one or an unsecured car loan uk. At the same time, don’t feel bogged down looking at the lower rates for secured car loan and you have no collateral to pledge. As lenders have an option of offering you a car loan based on your car itself. You don’t really have to have a home, property or any additional collateral. Your car purchased by it self holds good. Isn’t it cool…..

Your collateral pledged reflects favourably on your car loan rate!

Look at how these factors affect your car loan rate. With a huge car loan size your interest rates will be reduced, with a positive credit score and equity value you surely have a better chance of winning a cheaper car loan. Whatever be the case, your bad credit will not handicap you from opting out for a car loan.

Finance a new car, or an old one, hire it or lease it out, the choice is yours. Key factors that contribute to your car loan rates are your car brand, as it obviously affects the loan size, repayment period, credit record and your collateral are the other factors.

Do not forget to get a payment protection cover for your loan repayments made. Get protected in case of any inevitable events.

A To Z Of Well-Known Magicians

There are many well-known, skilled magicians that you might not know about because even though they're well known, they haven't reached magician cult status. Most people know about the magician David Copperfield, but there are many more magicians equally skilled. So, take a moment to learn about other wizards of magic and expand your knowledge about magicians.

Curtis Adams: A magician who appeared at the age of 16 in the Young Magicians Showcase featured on Fox Television. He was born on October 12, 1984 and was one of the youngest magicians to perform in Reno, Nevada casinos.

Criss Angel: The only three-time magician winner of the Merlin Award from the International Society of Magicians. Angel is a skilled magician who did stunts like lying on a bed of nails while a Hummer drove over him.

Ed Balducci: A street magician who died in 1988 at the age of 82. He is a magician known for his gimmick-free trick of visibly rising several inches from the ground with his back turned to his audience.

Derren Brown: A British magician who practiced traditional close-up magic in the 1990s. Brown's claim as a magician is his "mind-reading" act. Brown claims aliens abducted him.

Cardini: Richard "Cardini" Pitchford was a magician with almost 50 years of performing tricks and illusions. He's one of the world's most imitated magicians, but no one to date has ever been able to completely duplicate his tricks. He was a magician known for his sleight of hand. Items were forever appearing and disappearing from his hands. He died in 1973.

Tommy Cooper: A magician and comedian known who was a member of the Magic Circle until his death in 1984. He collapsed while doing a live magician act that became his last.

Paul Daniels: A currently retired British magician who in 1983 became the first magician to ever receive the prestigious Magician of the Year Award by the Hollywood Academy of Magical Arts.

S.W. Erndase: A magician and author whose real identity has never been figured out. Erndase is a magician who wrote a book in 1902 about card playing tricks.

Ching Ling Foo: The first Asian magician to achieve fame. He was a magician who did tricks like breathing fire and pulling a fifteen-foot pole from his mouth. He died in 1922.

Lennart Green: A magician known for his close-up card tricks. In 1991 this magician became the world champion of in close-up card magic.

Paul Harris: A magician known for pulling coins from mirrors. Many claim he is a magician with skills like a combination of Copperfield and Henning.

Scott Interrante: An American magician specializing in escape-artist tricks. He won awards from the International Brotherhood of Magicians.

Ricky Jay: A magician listed in the Guinness Book of Records as throwing a playing card 190 feet at 90 miles per hour.

Fred Kaps: A Dutch magician who died in 1980. He is a magician known for making a saltshaker create an endless supply of salt.

Juan Tamariz: A Spanish magician who in 1971 founded a school that has trained generations of Spanish magicians.

Dia Vernon: This Canadian magician was born in 1894 as David Frederick Wingfield Verner. This magician, who died in 1992, is known for fooling Houdini with one of his card tricks.

Paul Zenon: A British street magician who also performed in the bars and pubs in the U.K. This magician has written three books about magic, the most recent published in 2005.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

American Rock In Its Purest Form - Melissa Etheridge On Stage

Melissa Etheridge has long been known as an artist who produces music that fits the core of what many consider “American Rock and Roll.” Her style combines folk, blues, rock and roll and searing guitar melodies that cut to the soul. Her wide-ranging style has captured the hearts and ears of millions of fans, and Etheridge is returning to the stage in the summer of 2006. A look at her life will at least partially explain how her style came to be.

Early Life

Etheridge was born in Leavenworth, Kansas on May 29, 1961. She almost immediately became involved with music, as she learned to play the guitar at the age of eight and began writing music shortly thereafter. She played in a series of local bands through her teen-age years and was accepted into the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston after high school.

Etheridge stayed at Berklee for only one year, and she dropped out to play in and around Boston for a time before making her way to Southern California in the early 1980’s. She spent her time producing demo tapes, and was discovered by Bill Leopold, who got her steady work at a series of gigs in the Los Angeles area.

Career Highlights

Etheridge’s regular performances at the Executive Suite in Long Beach got her noticed by record companies, and her talent led to a bidding war between A&M, Capitol, EMI, and Warner Bros. Etheridge ultimately decided to sign with Island Records, and she immediately began producing albums.

Her first studio work, entitled Melissa Etheridge, went multi-platinum, and four singles released from this work climbed into the Billboard charts. Her second release, Brave and Crazy, got as high as number 22 on the album charts and had three singles earn spots in the Billboard charts.

Since then, Etheridge has released seven subsequent albums, with two more, Yes I Am in 1993 and Your Little Secret in 1995 going multi-platinum. In all, Etheridge’s albums have sold over 27 million copies worldwide, and her music is as recognizable as any artist in her era.

Personal Causes

Etheridge is only slightly-less known for her personal causes as she is for her music. Perhaps her most famous “cause” was her courageous decision to reveal her homosexuality during President Clinton’s inauguration ceremonies in 1993. Since then, she has been an avid supporter for gay rights, and is as recognizable as any star for this cause in the world.

Etheridge has also performed for countless benefits, including such causes as Hurricane Katrina relief, the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army. Etheridge is widely known for giving her time, money, talents and platform as a star to bring attention to the causes in which she believes, no matter how controversial.

This bravery has only enhanced her standing with her fans and music lovers alike, and it speaks to the nature of her musical style - honest, open, heartfelt and sincere. She will no doubt continue to perform for her causes, and she is sure to bring a crowd wherever she appears.

Antiques Concepts, Online And Off

Are you a part of the latest antiques craze? Compared to ten years ago, we are constantly bombarded with antique radio shows, antique television show that have become increasingly popular have pitched the idea of dealing with antiques to large international crowds, and the simple fact remains, the antique world is giving love to those who love the antiques… not to the bargain hunters.

Do you feel excited when you see an old toy, dating back 200 years ago and in mint condition, do you feel that owning something like that will give you something special, that the first person to ever hold this in his hands is long gone, but that there is a link between generations and across time because you are now enjoying the same thing?.

I know this feeling, and even though I did sell and still do sell some of my antiques, I hold on to many others, it is no secret that most antique lovers have to sell a few things here and there, but every once in a while something gets to you, sometimes even in a mystical way, its something you know you want to hold on to.

A very popular niche in antiques is old toys, the toys first produced when mass production just started, or even hand crafted toys that date way back. When shopping for antique toys, it can be extremely helpful to have a price guide in hand.

Many unscrupulous sellers are hoping to gain profit due to a buyer’s lack of knowledge. Watching some of the antique shows can help educate you as a buyer. For a few dollars, you can purchase an antique toy pricing guide and have a firm understanding of how to find a bargain. If you happen to have collected many of your childhood toys and are ready to sell them, there can be a great deal of money to be made. Do some research regarding antique toy and their prices and some items may make you a mint!

An extremely popular collection of antique toys includes a wooding rocking horse. Wooden rocking horses are widely available at online antique stores and often cost well over $1,000 if they are in good condition. Some wear is expected, but the rocking horse must work and contain the original pieces.

Surprisingly, antique-toys sought after by collectors typically include marbles. One onionskin marble on EBay is currently priced at $500 and steadily climbing. While marbles may be at the bottom of your antique toys list, they can sell for huge amounts of money.

If antiques is your passion and you want to learn more the internet is a great resource of information, in fact, the antiques market has been growing in a phenomenal rate since the internet started catching on, people can trade and present antiques on Ebay and other auction sites. There is always a place for more people and more items on this market, and you may find out that its not that difficult to start doing things in the antiques market soon enough.

Art - Make It Your Next Investment

There are a lot of people who enjoy decorating with beautiful and original pieces of art. Some may think that they spent a fortune on it, but if the attended an art festival they nay have found a bargain.

Attending an art festival to look for your next purchase of a piece of art is a great way to save money. You never know what you are going to find. There are many different artists supplying a variety in different pieces. Whether it is a wall hanging of sculpture for your prize garden there is a choice. You could even be buying a piece of work made by a future artist who works will one day be worth a small fortune.

If you are a collector or a dealer of art this is an excellent opportunity to purchase for your own investment. It doesn't matter what you are looking for you will most likely find it.

You don't have to go just to make a purchase either. You can just simply get an idea of some things you might want to purchase in the future. Get an idea of the different types of art that is out there. Discover what your taste in art is. It is a nice way to just enjoy your day. Art usually has a calming effect on most people so just go to simply enjoy a day off. There are other things to do when you attend an art festival.

Some people go to art festivals in search of other homemade products. There are stands that sell beaded jewelry. Silver and turquoise is another popular choice in homemade jewelry. This is a great way to purchase something different. Some of it being better quality then jewelry you'll find in a department store.

Crafts are another thing sought out when one attends an art festival. Some of us love crafts, but just don't have the knack to make our own. It is also a great way for crafty people to sell their pieces. Making a profit off their hobby.

Art festivals are annual events in most areas. You may not live somewhere an art festival is held. You can search on the Internet to find out if there is an art festival held in a near by location to you. If you truly love art you won't mind the extra time it takes to attend a festival. Art festivals are a rewarding experience to both who attended them and the artists selling their works. It is something to look forwarded to every year knowing that you will again experience the endless talent of the locals near you.

Monday, March 18, 2013

A Magician’s Oath

A magic trick is created to amuse and mesmerize an audience who comes to the show knowing that all the tricks are not real and have fun because they can’t figure out how the magic was done. You won’t see a magician exposing magic mainly because telling how a magic was done is to kill the thrill and fun in watching them.

Magicians wanting to join a group of other magicians are required to give an oath to that effect. Never tell anyone who is not a magician the reason behind a trick and to never show a trick to anyone when you haven’t fully mastered it.

Once you gave your oath as a magician, it is expected that you will live up to your promise. Once you tell somebody and the organization found out about it, you may find yourself not receiving new tricks or that no one is teaching you how another trick is done.

Note though that you can tell it to somebody who is really willing to learn on how to be a magician. In fact you can see instruction videos and detailed instructions on sale in many shops. This is to help budding magicians into starting their careers or hobbies. Some of the tricks included in these instruction videos are common tricks and very easy to learn.

Some magicians also tell their tricks to misdirect others and help them appreciate a new trick that they have done. Old tricks seem to bore adult audiences that they tend to ‘bungle up’ the old tricks in preparation for their new tricks which proves more astonishing.

Magic tricks, once shown how they are done, may be posed with risk of becoming stale. Sometimes it is because you are disappointed at how easy it actually is or maybe because you found out that the trick requires a lot of props to accomplish. This is the reason no magician in his right mind will tell an audience how a trick is done. A magic told is a magic lost. Secrecy is the key and the magic is in keeping those secrets within you.

Magic is a living art, new illusions are propping up and new ways are introduced. Yes, you will see magicians telling their tricks but true magicians will always find their way around it. They will devise new illusions from old illusions and they will get more creative in how they show those illusions.

Frame Your Cherished Memories In Beautiful Picture Frames

As you glance at the photos neatly aligned in their picture frames along the wall, they bring back a flood of memories of past special occasions, filling you with joy as you reminisce all those wonderful moments.

What better way to enhance these beautiful pictures than in pretty picture frames. Picture frames come in assorted shapes, colors and designs. These are perfect for exhibiting your most beloved photos and artworks. Likewise, they make wonderful gift items for any special occasion.

The days of simple and boring picture frames have long gone. Nowadays there are picture frames to match any decor. They come in many pleasing styles designed to blend with any motif.

When choosing picture frames there is one to suit every pocket and taste. If you are searching for a photo frame that would be perfect for wedding photographs, go for a silver-plated photo frame. Metallic style frames are also suitable for glamorous decorating occasions such as anniversaries.

For the more budget-conscious, there are artistic picture frames created with large matting surrounding a smaller photo. The extra space can be used to sign names and dedications. These are great especially for teens for proms, birthdays etc.

Poster frames, landscape, and portrait frames are also very affordable and can be hung from anywhere in the room.

You can also try to make your own custom picture frame. Just buy the materials and exercise your creativity and resourcefulness. At least you are free to create the frame with your desired style.

As consumers become more sophisticated, many are shunning the typical picture frames made of plastic or wood and instead are purchasing more innovative picture frames such as digital picture frames.

A digital picture frame allows you to display your pictures on your desk and table. It doesn't have to be plugged into a computer as it has its own built-in memory card reader.

The digital picture frame is connected directly to your digital camera through a USB cable. It can store many photos depending on the size of the memory card. This innovative frame will store every moment that you capture in very clear resolution. Moreover, you can enjoy a full screen automatic slide show of all your pictures.

When buying your picture frame, make sure to consider not only the cost but also the durability and your preferred style of the frame. Select the frame that will suit your style and your budget.

No matter what shape or size, style or design, picture frames help you treasure your most precious memories of you and your loved ones. Happy viewing!

Freshness In A Basket

Remember how glad you were when you were given fruit baskets as complementary gifts hotels? I'm sure you almost didn't want to touch it, or even eat its contents. "It's just too beautiful to be eaten" is your excuse why you don't want to eat it. Don't be so awestruck. Fruit baskets are easily styled with the right attitude and a healthy dose of creativity. Why not impress everyone and give them fruit baskets as gifts at the next gift-giving season?

A large factor in designing your own fruit basket is organization. Prepare all materials prior to decorating such as baskets, ribbons, craft materials, and of course, your fruits. In creating your own fruit baskets, remember to choose a basket with a relatively wide brim, sturdy structure and without handles. Nice weave patterns won't hurt. It must be sturdy because fruits aren't lightweight. Wide brim will allow your fruits breathing space. It will also make arranging them easier. Baskets should have no handles because you will need to stretch and taper plastic wrap around your fruits to prevent them from disassembling and moving. Use fruits that aren't mushy or fleshy like apples, pears pineapples, kiwis, grapefruits, melons, and oranges. Keep in mind to avoid using fruits that ripen quickly like bananas if the basket needs to be shipped; otherwise, they are okay. Stickers from the fruits must be removed, it is common sense not to show the recipient where you bought your gift right? Wipe the fruits with a clean cloth because washing them might draw out unwanted juices. Be careful when polishing fruits, you don't want to bruise them.

In decorating fruit baskets, position taller fruits like pineapples or watermelons at the back. This will give the other fruits the support to lean on to. Medium size fruits goes in the middle while the smaller ones will look pretty piled at the front. Contrasting colors is key to an attractive and catchy basket. Stack reds, oranges, yellow fruits alternately with the green, purple, and other dark color fruits. Clumps of berries are good for accents. Fill the gaps with blooms and leaves. Adding wedges of cheese is also an option. Don't make your fruity tower too high because you might have trouble wrapping it.

Shrink wrap your fruits baskets and seal at the bottom. Poke tiny holes with a needle around the baskets to let air in. in doing this avoid damaging the fruits. A poked fruit can release enough juice to ruin your work. Finish off your basket with a bow at the top and a note card. Remind recipients that the fruits are perishable and must be consumed, not looked at. Signing your name is not a bad idea, after all with baskets like these, you'll want to help your recipients direct the compliments to you.

A Quickie Art Primer

Most collectors understand and feel knowledgeable when speaking of singular original works of art — paintings, pencil drawings, pen and inks, acrylics, watercolors, etc. Here the artist has created one work of art with his own hand. The surface might be paper or canvas or even masonite.

A bit more complicated are Multiple Originals...commonly called Original Prints. Traditionally, the artist creates a master image for the purpose of making a small number of prints that he will sign and number. The master image might be created upon a block, stone, plate or screen — any of which assists in conveying the image to the print surface. See our

A Moving Experience

I’ve found a cool apartment! Okay, okay…so it’s not perfect. Just a few bugs. I mean literally! First expense? An exterminator! Is it worth the cash? Well, I can’t afford a more expensive place, so a one-time (please!) cash outlay should be okay. Maybe just a can of “Raid?”

I need a way to move my stuff. Daddy, can I borrow your truck? You don’t have one? Why not? Do you want one? I’ll help you pick it out! Well, it was just a suggestion. No need to get all bent out of shape! I guess I’d better call the truck rental places. What do you mean…$200…PLUS mileage? AND Gas? Good grief!

While I’m on the phone I’ll call the utility and phone companies. Yes, I know I haven’t used your services before. No, I don’t have a credit card; this is my first place. You want what? A $100 deposit? For EACH? Holy cow…do you people have a license to steal?

Daddy, I need $500 for moving expenses! I used all my money for the first and last months rent AND the damage deposit. Well, how was I to know this was going to be so expensive? Sell something? Daaaaad…I NEED my TV!

Boy, this place is pretty empty. Maybe I should buy a couch and a chair. Nah…I have my bed. That’ll be good enough. I don’t need a table; I’ll just use this box.

Renters Insurance? I don’t think so! What do I have to insure?

Just got my first phone call! I’d love to come to your party! Daddy, I need a car. Because it’s too far to walk to work, that’s why. Umm, Daddy…there’s car insurance too! Thanks, Dad…you’re the best! And gas? I didn’t think so…

Time for dinner. Let’s look in these boxes. Oh, No! No dishes or pans. No FOOD!

Uhhh, Mom?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hausfrauen der Zukunft

In der Zukunft sehen wir unsere Hausfrauen mal wieder beim Poker Spielen. Sie sitzen wieder mal zu fünft, aber die Runde besteht diesmal nicht aus denselben Hausfrauen. An der Stelle von Eddie sitzt nun Katherine und spielt herzig mir den Hausfrauen. Während das Bild von Hausfrauen zu Hausfrau geht, sieht man die Jahre, die die Hausfrauen beeinflusst haben.

Bree sieht erwachsener und seriöser aus als je zuvor. Sie hat sie aber von ihrem äußerlichen Erscheinen nur wenig verändert. Zuhause sieht man dass sie und ihr Sohn Andrew zusammen Geschäfte machen und dass die Familie mit Orson, ihren Ehemann wieder vereint sind. Auch Katherine scheint ebenfalls ruhiger, glücklicher und gelassener. In der Zukunft sieht man sie in ihrer Wohnung, wie sie einen Anruf von ihrer Tochter Dylan abhört, die sich in Paris befindet und ihre Hochzeit annonciert. Katherine sieht ausgeglichen und sympathischer aus.

Lynette scheint dieselbe zu sein, eine Starke Frau und der Kopf einer fünfköpfigen Familie. Auch zu Hause scheint weiterhin ein Chaos zu herrschen. Wir sehen, wie Lynette einen Besuch von der Polizei bekommt, ihr Söhne haben sich zu Jugendverbrecher entwickelt, die immer wieder Radau und Probleme machen.

Der vielleicht größte Schock ist der Anblick auf Gabrielle. Die hübsche, zarte und sexy Gabrielle hat in den fünf Jahre zu einer nachlässigen Hausfrau entwickelt. Sie hat ein paar Kilos zugenommen, ist ungeschminkt und unfrisiert, trägt unpassende Klamotten. Bei ihr zu Hause lebt sie immer noch mit ihrem nun blinden Ehemann Carlos, aber in ärmlicheren Verhältnissen und zur großen Überraschung des Zuschauers entdeckt man die zwei kleinen Töchter des Ehepaars.

Susan sieht glücklich und frisch aus. Sie macht einen hervorragenden Eindruck und scheint in den Jahren gereift zu sein. Sie geht zu sich nach Hause und der Zuschauer erwartet eine glückliche Familie, doch anstatt von Mike begrüßt zu werden, wird Susan von einem fremden Mann in den Armen genommen und geküsst.

Mit diesen Szenen verabschiedet sich Desperate Housewives bis zur nächsten Staffel. Dabei wirren nun so viele Fragen durch den Kopf.

Wer ist der Fremde Mann bei Susan? Wo ist Mike und was ist nun mit deren gemeinsamen Sohn? Wie kann es sein dass Gabriele sich so gehen lassen hat. Von was leben sie? Wie ergeht es nun der Eddie, die man nicht zu Gesicht bekommen hat. Was ist aus den Söhnen von Lynette passiert, und was ist auch der Tochter Kayla passiert, nachdem sie das Haus verlassen musste. Warum hat Bree Orson im Endeffekt verzeihen, oder hat Orson die letzte Jahre im Gefängnis verbracht?

So viele Fragen, die bis in September unbeantwortet bleiben werden. Bis dahin bleibt das Bild der Hausfrauen, wir sie gemeinsam in der Zukunft weiterhin Poker spielen.

Article Body:

Wer ein Desperate Housewives Fan ist oder besser gesagt in deutsch " Verzweifelte Hausfrauen" Fan, musste schockierend am Schluss der letzen Folge der Vierten Staffel feststellen, dass die dem Zuschauer in der nächsten Staffel einiges zu erwarten hat. Am ende der letzten Folge gewährte die Producer dem Zuschauer einen Einblick in der kommenden Staffel, die aber erst in September in Amerika rauskommen wird. Zur großen Überraschung handelt die kommende Staffel nicht in der Gegenwart, sondern in der Zukunft, um genaues zu sein fünf Jahre später, dass heißt 2013.

Was dem Zuschauer in dem kurzen Einblick enthüllt wird ist, soll sich nicht als selbstverständlich herausstellen. Die Schicksale der Desperate Housewives haben sich zu teils drastisch, zu teilpoetisch weiter entwickelt.

In der Zukunft sehen wir unsere Hausfrauen mal wieder beim Poker Spielen. Sie sitzen wieder mal zu fünft, aber die Runde besteht diesmal nicht aus denselben Hausfrauen. An der Stelle von Eddie sitzt nun Katherine und spielt herzig mir den Hausfrauen. Während das Bild von Hausfrauen zu Hausfrau geht, sieht man die Jahre, die die Hausfrauen beeinflusst haben.

Bree sieht erwachsener und seriöser aus als je zuvor. Sie hat sie aber von ihrem äußerlichen Erscheinen nur wenig verändert. Zuhause sieht man dass sie und ihr Sohn Andrew zusammen Geschäfte machen und dass die Familie mit Orson, ihren Ehemann wieder vereint sind. Auch Katherine scheint ebenfalls ruhiger, glücklicher und gelassener. In der Zukunft sieht man sie in ihrer Wohnung, wie sie einen Anruf von ihrer Tochter Dylan abhört, die sich in Paris befindet und ihre Hochzeit annonciert. Katherine sieht ausgeglichen und sympathischer aus.

Lynette scheint dieselbe zu sein, eine Starke Frau und der Kopf einer fünfköpfigen Familie. Auch zu Hause scheint weiterhin ein Chaos zu herrschen. Wir sehen, wie Lynette einen Besuch von der Polizei bekommt, ihr Söhne haben sich zu Jugendverbrecher entwickelt, die immer wieder Radau und Probleme machen.

Der vielleicht größte Schock ist der Anblick auf Gabrielle. Die hübsche, zarte und sexy Gabrielle hat in den fünf Jahre zu einer nachlässigen Hausfrau entwickelt. Sie hat ein paar Kilos zugenommen, ist ungeschminkt und unfrisiert, trägt unpassende Klamotten. Bei ihr zu Hause lebt sie immer noch mit ihrem nun blinden Ehemann Carlos, aber in ärmlicheren Verhältnissen und zur großen Überraschung des Zuschauers entdeckt man die zwei kleinen Töchter des Ehepaars.

Susan sieht glücklich und frisch aus. Sie macht einen hervorragenden Eindruck und scheint in den Jahren gereift zu sein. Sie geht zu sich nach Hause und der Zuschauer erwartet eine glückliche Familie, doch anstatt von Mike begrüßt zu werden, wird Susan von einem fremden Mann in den Armen genommen und geküsst.

Mit diesen Szenen verabschiedet sich Desperate Housewives bis zur nächsten Staffel. Dabei wirren nun so viele Fragen durch den Kopf.

Wer ist der Fremde Mann bei Susan? Wo ist Mike und was ist nun mit deren gemeinsamen Sohn? Wie kann es sein dass Gabriele sich so gehen lassen hat. Von was leben sie? Wie ergeht es nun der Eddie, die man nicht zu Gesicht bekommen hat. Was ist aus den Söhnen von Lynette passiert, und was ist auch der Tochter Kayla passiert, nachdem sie das Haus verlassen musste. Warum hat Bree Orson im Endeffekt verzeihen, oder hat Orson die letzte Jahre im Gefängnis verbracht?

So viele Fragen, die bis in September unbeantwortet bleiben werden. Bis dahin bleibt das Bild der Hausfrauen, wir sie gemeinsam in der Zukunft weiterhin Poker spielen.